My presents

My presents

Monday, October 21, 2013


I love giving gifts to my children. When I am in Target or at a garage sale, I have no problem dreaming up things that I would love to shower upon my children. I get them gifts sometimes to save for birthdays or Christmas....and sometimes I give them gift "just because." I do that not because my children are perfect and they have in any way earned my love. I desire to give gifts to my children because I love them. I love seeing how excited they get over little things. I love the anticipation that they have when they know a surprise is coming. They will close up their little eyes, scrunch their faces, giggling and smiling in anticipation for the surprise that is to come. I do not do this all the time.....but when I do bring home a "just because" gift as a surprise, I love seeing my children's glee and have their little arms around my neck as they yell "thank you mommy, thank you!"

It is VERY easy for me to shop for my children, but not so easy to shop for myself (sometimes!). As we get closer and closer to Christmas, now is the time that my family all over the country begins to ask for Christmas lists. Because of the ease of the internet, making a list is now easier than ever! I hop on my favorite website where I myself sell items ( and also make a wishlist on amazon ( The other night I had a rare few hours to myself, so I though that would be the perfect time to finally make my wish list for Christmas and my birthday (as my birthday is only 1 week after Christmas!). I was going through my house in my mind, thinking of every room and what I would love for that room.....REMINDER this was called a WISH-list, not a NEED-list. I knew that! 

I thought of my living room and my piano and realized that I did not have a piano lamp. Every time I go to sit down to play, or my daughter practices her pieces, we always struggle to see the music. So, I began searching piano lamps on amazon. I found the perfect lamp. It matches my decor and my style! Here it is!

Pretty, huh?? If you actually click on the link you will see that this lamp costs $40.07 plus shipping costs (about $47.00). I knew I would likely not recieve a lamp like this from my family due to the price but it is a WISH-list, right? So, I just added it.

The next day I was doing my favorite hobby: GARAGE-SALING (I am going to be doing a blog entry about how to find the best deals at garage sales!). At my very last stop I had $3 left. I was about to leave when I see.....THIS EXACT LAMP at the sale. They had it marked $5 but I showed them I only had $3 left so they gave it to me! 

I GOT MY LAMP FOR $3....and it was NEW. It had tags on it!!!!!!!!!!

Now, this is cool, right? But, I am going to take it a step further. I FIRMLY believe that this was not just a cool coincidence, but this was a whisper from God. I am God's child, right? We know that God gives blessings to His children, but sometimes we can lose sight of what those blessings are. A lamp? Really?

I had a wish for no other reason than I thought that lamp would look pretty in my home and be useful for our family. There was no real hope I would get it, but it was just a wish. God was looking over my shoulder as I was searching amazon and He said "I am going to give her a surprise blessing tomorrow." I didn't deserve that blessing but God doesn't give us what we deserve. I am His child and He wanted to bless me, as simple as that. God was whispering to me "I am here. I love you. You are my daughter, my princess, and I am giving you a small gift just to show you my love. You are not alone. I am always with you."

If we open our eyes we begin to see those God-whispers all over the place. What are some God-whispers you have experienced lately?

1 comment:

  1. What truth in what you said here. He does love us so much and bless us in little ways all the time. This summer I was also garage sailing. I found exercise mats and a really nice pair of rain boots for a dollar a piece. I wanted both of them and He just gave them to me for almost nothing. I also found two precious porcelain dolls for my girls for a dollar or two. The look of joy on their faces was beautiful. Reminds me of how much God cares for us.
