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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Book Review: 10 Great Dates

Through Bethany Publishing House I am able to review new books or free. I was very excited to review “10 GReat Dates” written by two couples, Peter and Heather Larson and David and Claudia Arp. This book promised to be one that would connect our marriage in a deeper way, through faith and love. They introduce the topic as being one that is often glossed over in the Christian world….there are so many self-help books for marriages that this is a topic that is severely lacking. Since I agreed with this sentiment, I was greatly looking forward to this book.

Most of this book I found captivating. The chapters were well-written and very genuine by the authors as they told of their lives, testimonies and even mistakes that they made in connection in their own marriages. At the end of each chapter is a pull-out section with question to take on an actual date with your husband or wife, in an effort to spiritually connect you and your partner with greater emphasis.  

My husband and I began this book with great enthusiasm but I have to admit that I was somewhat disillusioned. The reason is not because this is not a great concept, or one that is not important. It also is not because we do not connect spiritually….but because we already do. Though this book promised to be one for all marriages in all walks of life, we found it to be very redundant to things that we have discussed in the past. If this book was geared only towards marriages that have never had spiritual conversation, this would be a book that I highly recommend. However, because my husband and I have had times of spiritual connection already a lot of the questions and topics were irrelevant to us. (Keep in mind I am not saying that my husband and I have a perfect marriage. There is always something to work on and always an area in which to grow!) Of course, one must remember that we all have areas to which we can improve, however sometimes we just glossed over questions because we had discussed them many times in the past. On the flip-side, it is always good to be reminded to keep the Lord first in our marriage above everything else.

Because this topic of connecting spiritually with your husband or wife is such an important one and one that is often not mentioned in marital counselling, let alone mentioned in many Christian books today, I think that this book is very valuable. I do recommend this book, as I previously stated, but only with the knowledge that it is for couples who have not really connected in this way before. This would be a wonderful book for counselors to use in marriages that are struggling, or with new couples who are engaged.

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