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My presents

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

On Reflection: Life with Boys!

I read an article this morning about a mom who was talking about the wonderful reasons she loved being a boy-mom. I am a mom of 1 girl and 2 boys but for the longest time, I was just a girl-mom! We struggled with secondary infertility for many, many years......but through that God lead us to the amazing thing called adoption. God truly brought us our Tyler and I would not change that for the world! Then when I did get pregnant again, against everyone's opinion that it would never happen again, we were thrilled to find that we were having another boy! Now I LOVE all the princesses and bows, curlers and amazing hair styles, skirts and dresses, pink and purple, lace and chiffon. I was comfortable around that as I am a VERY girly-girl. I grew up with 1 sister. She was a bit of a tom-boy and  just did NOT get that. We always fought and we never saw eye to eye. Now we are close, but it took a while for us not to fight every time we were around each other. I didnt know what I would do around boys......

However I have had quite the heart-change! I must say that I love being a boy mama as well......and for some reasons I do love being a girl mama, but let me add my boy-mama reasons to the list. Here are my top 10 reason I LOVE being a boy mama!

1. They can pee anywhere. It is fantastic. You don't have to find a bathroom when you are out.

2. You gain a real appreciation for all things with wheels and will point out all the motorcycles, mail trucks and garbage trucks everywhere. I don't think I ever noticed them before! Now my boys will scream out if a motorcyclist is wearing a helmet or not :)

 3. The drama does not last long. When they are upset you give them a kiss and then they are better, do not hold grudges! With my daughter the drama could (and has) last all day!

4. The like to be nude. At this age this is age 15 perhaps it won't be as cute haha! Now I love the little butts running all over the house!

5. We have SWEET bedtime routines. The times spent praying and singing and cuddling are amazing

6. I have the knowledge that they will grow up to be fiercely protective of me and their sister. I didn't have brothers, so to experience this now is wonderful!

7. They potty train SO MUCH easier than girls! I can definitely attest to that! (For us it went: 2 years for the 1st, 1 summer for the second and 2 weeks for the 3rd. Go TRENTON!)

8. So much less time is spent doing their hair than my daughter

9. Like the author of the article I read said, they are mischeivious but for my boys it is a little bit more like plain what will happen if I unwrap all of mommy's tampons and stick them in water? They have a fierce curiosity about the world and make me look at my world differently!

10. They make being a mother a new and exciting experience. Growing up with just 1 sister, having a boy around is something NEW! I am as girly as they get, but they have stretched me to be interested in cars and trucks, dirt and mud....and cheering them on for Tball!

Suffice it to say that I LOVE my little of course I love my little girl too and I would not change that. I LOVE having both sexes in my house because they certainly keep life interesting :)

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