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My presents

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Proverbs 31: Day 21: Community Needs

Day 22. What are some needs that need to be met in your community?

I haven't been here a super long time, as you all know, but something that I KNOW is a need in nearly all communities is a place for moms to gain connection and support. (This is going to be a shameless plug, but oh well, it is my blog so where else can I shamelessly plug stuff?? ;)

I recently wrote about my job as a stay-at-home mom......though it is the BEST job in the world, it can be the most isolating job possible if you are not careful! You do not have to be outgoing like me.....or out every day like me with my personality of not wanting to be inside all day.......but whatever your personality, you need connection. People are made to need each other. God made people to need connection with others in their real lives, so that they have someone to talk to, to listen to, to connect on many different levels: emotional, spiritual etc. Without other people in our lives, loneliness can set in......bitterness feeds on does sadness, despair, negativity. This is my opinion, but I think that loneliness is one of the hardest things in life to go through......when you feel alone in the world, like no one else can possibly understand what you are going through.

There are many ways that stay-at-home moms can reach out to others.....but the one way that I am going to write about is something that has been a part of my life for the past 7 1/2 years. It is an amazing orgnaization called "MOPS International."

From the MOPS website:

a place to find friendship, community, resources and support for you as a woman and mother so you're not alone. Moms have found community through MOPS for almost 40 years - we're your mothering authority. MOPS holds and shares the collected wisdom of mothers and experts (usually one and the same!); add your voice to the conversation!

How amazing is that? MOPS exists all over the world and though they take on different forms wherever they are formed, they live to reach out to moms of all kinds. We are all different people with different kinds, different needs, different lives, different loves.....but we have one thing in common. We love our kids and we want to be the best moms possible to those amazing gifts that God has placed in our lives.

Through this organization, I have been able to find life-long friendships and amazing deep connection with people that I may never have met otherwise. I have been stretched in many ways as I have served on the steering teams of different MOPS groups for 5 years.

If you have never heard of MOPS or wonder if it is in your area, simply go to and search for a group! You will not be sorry you did it. I think this particular organization is something truly amazing, made up of a group of moms in your area who all want that connection like you do. I think they are doing an amazing job!

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