My presents

My presents

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer Journals

This is the second year that we have done journals for summer, but this is the first year that my son has gotten to participate! This is a way to keep education in the background so they do not forget absolutely EVERYTHING they learned the previous year in school!

Last year we decorated a plain black composition book. (See post HERE). But this year, I decided it would be fun to make our own....and I loved the result!

To make a journal this year, I printed out the 2 titles and put together about 15 pages of white copy paper. Using my sewing machine, I simply sewed down the center and folded in half. The result is GREAT! The kids then used stamps and markers to make their journals their own, which was today's activity......and also made their first journal entry. It will end up being a great reminder of what we did this summer, as well as helping them work on penmanship and creativity.

Ellie is 10 and going into the 5th grade. Tyler is 5 and headed into year 2 of kindergarten. So, they approach the journals differently. Ellie is going to actually write, using cursive (something no longer being taught regularly in public schools, but we want her to be able to do it well). For Tyler, I made lines like the lines he is used to writing on, on the bottoms for him to write a sentence. Then he draws a picture above his sentence of what he talked about. This is a great way for kids of ALL ages to record their summer memories!

Quick Note: I must have heard from my middle child "This is the best day I have ever had" at least 5 times. Today was nothing special in my opinion, just a day that I had planned out with things the kiddos would enjoy. I think that if we keep them in mind, it will keep us sane and allow our kids to do more than laze around the house and waste their summers doing nothing. We are off to a great start!

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