My presents

My presents

Monday, May 26, 2014

Pinteresting Summer 2014- UN-PLUGGED

As in the title of my blog: A Blessed Life- My life has been so blessed lately that I have not written a blog since February. That is OK with me.....I am busy having the time of my life with my chicklets. BUT, I did decide that with the beginning of summer 2014, I am going to do another "Pinteresting Summer" blog series. It keeps me on track and it is a wonderful record of all the great things that we are doing together! If you would like to plan a fantastic, fun-filled-memory-making summer, click HERE.

In an effort this year to be more "un-plugged" this summer, I came up with a method that 1. keeps the kids time limited on electronics 2. keeps them happy and 3. gets my house clean without (much) complaining!

*NOTE* In order to employ this method in favor of a more "un-plugged" and thus more creative and more memory-filled vacation, this requires some BRAVERY on mama's part.....but once you close your eyes and dive in, I promise that you will be glad you did :)

DONE. Let's Begin! 

1. Give your kids a time-limit per day that must be strictly adhered to. For us this is not just TV, but iphone, computer and kindle as well. We  did a 2 hour time-limit of electronic use per day. (Breathe, it will be fine!)

2. In order to earn another 30 minutes of time for that special show they want to see before bed....or that new game they wish to play at, they have to actually EARN it.

My kids have to earn a total of 50 points to get another 30 minutes tacked on to their time......and I have assigned points to a number of chores. They can choose 5 chores that are 10 points each, 2 chores that are 25 points each, or any combination of chores that will then equal 50 points (also helps with addition. Cha-ching!)

But, the stipulation is, that Mom has to approve the chore chosen, and then has to approve that the chore has been done to the best of the child's ability.

ie. The child can not wipe off the kitchen table for 10 points if I just got done doing that while cleaning the kitchen etc. 

I do not expect PERFECTION, but I do expect BEST EFFORT. Electronic time is a REWARD.....and you EARN REWARDS!

So, in case you want to employ this method of a more "UN-PLUGGED" summer, I am going to attach my chart here. Feel free to use this and change it to meet your family's needs this summer. 

For another way to involved kids in doing chores this summer, click HERE. Chores can be FUN, I promise! Capitalize on your kids wanting to help you and you will raise more responsible, happier, more well-balanced and less entitled children who can actually contribute to the running of your household. 

Summer 2014 Electronic Entertainment (ie. TV, Kindle, Ipod) Earning

You get 2 hours electronic time per day. In order to earn 30 minutes more, you must accumulate
50 points

10 point chores:

Dust 1 bookshelf with pledge
Clean 1 set of windows with windex
Clean 1 large mirror with windex
sweep stones from front patio
spray down patio table and wipe
spray down kitchen table and wipe
febreze furniture in whole house

15 point chores:

Clean 1 toilet with cleaner
make 1 bed
start 1 load laundry and dryer
vacuum 1 room
dust all frames
sweep kitchen floor
sweep laundry room floor
write a thank you note to someone and mail it
collect all laundry from house and put in laundry room
organize 1 section of your room
Collect 5 items to donate

20 point chores:

do the edges in 1 room
dog poop in yard
empty all garbage cans and take outside
sweep back patio
fingerprints- Mr. Clean magic eraser
collect all toys from house

25 point chores:

totally clean cat box
fold 1 load laundry
put away all dishes in dishwasher
Collect a bag of items to donate
Clean shower area with spray
clean your room for 15 minutes
clean room of your choice for 15 minutes
weed flower garden for 15 minutes

clean out refrigerator for 15 minutes

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