My presents

My presents

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Never Alone

I was drinking my coffee at the kitchen table, reading my Bible, when I heard the sound that always makes my ears perk baby crying. He has a very distinctive cry to my ears.....but likely would sound just like an ordinary baby to anyone else. In a room full of babies, I can pick out his cry from everyone else's. When I am checking on him in the nursery on Sundays, walking down the hall, I can tell if he is one of the cries that I hear.

This particular cry let me know he was in trouble. He is a crawler these days.....a very quick crawler! He typically gets himself into trouble by crawling into a room and somehow shutting the door behind him. This day, I heard the "I'm stuck and can't get out" cry.....he had made his way into the laundry room, shut the door behind him, and was in the dark. His cry was one of fear, frustration and one of crying out for help.

I somehow moved his body out of the door and picked him up as quick as I can. It took a few minutes since he was wedged between the door and me. The crying continued until he felt himself safe in my arms. Then I saw the smile, though his eyes were still wet with tears.

The Lord brought to mind how we are just like children. There are many time in my life when I get back up against a wall and I can not see the way out, except for the Lord.....and he knows my cry. He cares enough to know the number of hairs that I have on my head. He hears when I call. He answers my cry. His love for me is unconditional and He never fails to help may not be in the way that we think He should, but He has promised that He will never leave me nor forsake me.

When you get stuck in the laundry room, in the dark.....know that your cries are being heard. God loves and therefore he listens. You are not alone. You are never alone.


  1. that's an awesome perspective :) I like how you can compare things that happen to christianity. Blake also constantly is shutting inself in rooms. Drives me crazy. He shut himself in the dark bathroom today and cried and cried. daddy rescued him!

  2. aww, poor baby boy!! but i love your analogy. thanks for the reminder- i needed to hear it. :-)

  3. Thank you for this. It gave me chills.
