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My presents

Monday, August 1, 2011

Proverbs 31: Day 13: Changing for the Better

Day 13. Write about something you would like to change about yourself for the better.

This post can certainly be linked to my last post of what wears me out. When I am worn out by my children's constant bickering and fighting, I automatically respond with a raised voice. My first response to deal with my kids yelling is to yell in return. And honestly, how childish is THAT?

I have been trying to work on toning down my automatic responses so that my house will be one remembered as one of peace, quiet, fun, love and where everyone is heard. Somehow, the more people yell, no matter who they are, the LESS they are heard around the house! Words and meanings get lost in the loud voices. I want my voice to be heard, while the volume goes down. I want the fuse of my anger to get longer so I do not blow up when I should be calming down.

I have asked some people to pray about this with me just this past week! I did not have a perfect week, but it was better. I realize that I am not going to change a life-long habit overnight. In fact, I am not going to change it at ALL. I have to rely on my maker and creator to change it for me. He has changed other things about me, so this will not be any different! Knowing the problem is at least half the battle! Changing it and relying on God to do it is the other half and it requires patience, perseverance and willingness to fail, but apologize and get back up and try, try again!


  1. Wow very astute! I struggle with this too!

  2. This is one of my fears about parenting... I hope my fuse is long enough. Tempers run in my family, and I don't ever want my children to fear me that way...

  3. I'm guilty of the yelling at them for yelling thing. Just this morning, in response to Marley yelling across the house at me I yelled "WE DON'T YELL ACROSS THE HOUSE!" (I'm shaking my head at me)

  4. i struggle with this too, Becky. thanks for your honesty. and so true, only God can do it...
