My presents

My presents

Monday, March 28, 2011


"I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself." **Maya Angelou


We have been gone to our Ohio home (and nearly a week in TN visiting my parents) for two weeks. I had an absolutely WONDERFUL time.....but am thrilled to report that we are now HOME. Home is such a wonderful wonderful word. Though Ohio will always seem more "comfortable" and filled with many many people with whom I leave my heart, I am so happy to be HERE, nearly 2000 miles away in our new home. When God changes your dreams, He does so in a big way. I am living proof of that. When we were first given the opportunity to move to the South West, I nearly had a heart attack, thinking I would simply never survive. We have been here almost 6 months now and it is truly beginning to feel like home.....and not only that, I do love it!

There are so many new things, new experiences, new people, new places. I am thrilled to be able to experience it all with the 4 people I love most in this world.

Once again I will be back to blogging on a regular basis.....about things that I love. In college my roomie Krista and I kept a "Joys List" on our dorm room door for 3 years. On it, we wrote all the things we were thankful for and made us smile. This blog is my "Joys List." I want this blog to reflect all the things in life that make me happy and fill my soul's desire. Because my title is true, this surely IS a "Blessed Life."


  1. Glad you are back . . . I missed the reading material. :-)

  2. Speaking of Krista, she was visiting her cousin who goes to our church, so I saw her and her husband yesterday! I find it very ironic that you mentioned her today!

  3. Well I am jealous of you then!!!!!!!!

  4. i'm very glad you are so happy there and can call it "home" :) I don't really know what I call home at the moment, as ours is constantly shifting. But home is anywhere where my husband a blake is :)

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