My presents

My presents

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kids Craft for a Stay-at-home day!

Winter blues got you down? We have had 4 days off school here, and now 2 days of having to stay home because I have workers here installing tile in our kitchen, 3 bathrooms and entryway! It is the second day of not leaving the house and all of us have been feeling very stir-crazy!

I was looking around for something brilliant I could do with the kids and came up with a cute and fun craft for both my 2 year old and 6 year lasted us an hour and a half and for my kids, that's fantastic!!!!!

We made collage drums out of things we had in our house!

For this craft you will need:

1 large cereal box
a rubber band
wax paper
old magazines

1. Begin with a large cereal box. You can just take the inside bag of cereal out if it is not saves just fine in your cabinet without the box!

2. Separate the box until it is 1 piece of cardboard. It separates pretty easily. (I was making 2 drums, one for each child, but you still only need 1 box).

3. The the cardboard into 2 equal pieces so each will have a large rectangle on the left and skinny rectangle on the right.

4. Turn cardboard so the larger rectangle is on the top and along the skinny rectangle, cut about 5-6 slits (these will come together to form the bottom of the drum)

5. Trim the larger rectangle down. If you form it into a loop, you will be able to see the height of the drum. You want it to look more like a drum and less like a tube.

6. This part can be a bit confusing.....but if you are doing it, you'll quickly see what I mean. Roll the cardboard into a tube and the bottom where the slits are, are going to fold together to form the bottom. With a couple of staples, attach them together.

7. Now attach the open side together with 2 staples. It now looks like a tube with a bottom, or a vase.

8. Cut a piece of wax paper a little larger than the top. This will be the top of the drum. Rubber band the wax paper around and trim it to look like a circle.

Now the kids can decorate away! I brought down old magazines (Ranger Rick and Highlights!) and they picked what they wanted. Ellie was able to cut them out on her own, while Tyler chose and I cut. Then they both glued everything where they wanted it. Tyler also chose to decorate the inside of the drum :)

Have fun! We sure did!


  1. SO fun and creative! You know, I can't WAIT to do crafts with my kids!

  2. I feel bad because I have never done ANYTHING with Tyler and I used to do stuff like this with Ellie All. the. time......but honestly, he just eats the crayons so I think now he'll start liking stuff more! Haha! It does take some effort, I think to engage the creative brain in doing stuff with the kids. But, anything we come up with they love because it shows we care....

  3. i did these kinds of things with johnny, katie and sean ALL The time when I was nannying them . I LOVE it!

  4. A very good thing you did there!
