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My presents

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How to make Veggie purees

About every other day, I am busy in the kitchen making veggie purees to put in my food......because it is healthy, it is one of the only ways I can eat fresh veggies because of my medical conditions, and I can get my otherwise picky eaters to eat veggies and fruit that they would never in a MILLION years touch!

One of my favorite purees is cauliflower. I can't eat it raw (though I LOVE it) and no one else in my family (hubby included) will touch it! You might think that because of its distinctive flavor and smell, you might not be able to disguise the taste, but I am telling you, you CAN! I have used it in mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, chicken nuggets and more! I like to always have a stock of frozen purees in my freezer. I freeze them in 1/2 cup portions and they freeze flat, so do not take up much room! Just grab one, put in in a little bit of warm water and it is ready to use in about 5 minutes!

So, if you have never done this before, I give you a challenge to try it. I'm telling you, you will be HOOKED like me!

*By the way, I always tell my family what is "hidden" in the recipes. I don't lie to them. They skeptically taste it.....and then always love it :)

You will need:

1 head of cauliflower
a candle (haha......but seriously, cauliflower is not the best smelling thing to cook, so I disguise the smell ;)
a food processor or small chopper
Permanent black marker
*Ziploc* freezer bags
1/2 c. measure

1. Cut cauliflower into bite sized pieces and steam them in about a 1/4 c. of water for 8-10 minutes.

2. Light a candle ;)

3. Allow to cool in pan for about 10 minutes. Reserve the water.

4. Puree for about 2 minutes per batch, adding about 2-3 Tbs. of the water you cooked it in for a smooth and creamy consistency.

5. Label with the veggie name, the portion, and the date. They can store for about 4 months in the freezer. If you are like me, though, they won't last that long because you'll use it all up!! (Label BEFORE you put the puree in the bag.....from personal experience!)

6. Measure into 1/2 cup portions and store in *Ziploc* freezer bags. (with all the freezing I do, I have found that cheaper bags leak almost 100% of the time! Ziploc barely ever leaks!)

Have fun pureeing. I challenge you to take this challenge :) I will do a post later with the best meatball recipe EVER......and paired with the tomato sauce with cauliflower and whole wheat pasta, it is a FAB-U-LOUS dinner. We all LOVE it!


  1. precisely how I make blake's baby food! It's totally fun and he loves it. I could eat the sweet potatoes all day long, i honestly think it makes them taste better when pureed for some odd reason :)

    But don't try to put even a little bit of purees anything in hamburgers.....they will fall apart on you....
    Now I just need to try this with califlower for recipes. What other veggies can you use?

  2. Bekkie--you may have just changed my life!! I SO don't eat veggies, but really need to!! I have dietitians harassing me all the time about it (bad diabetic, bad). This, I could definitely do... :-)

  3. So awesome Katie! I am the same way....not because I hate veggies but because my system can't handle much fiber. So this way, I am getting the goodness of it, without the indigestable fiber! Hope you do try it and love it was much as me! Wonder if your hubby will be able to tell? Mine never can until I tell him :)

  4. Awesome post!! I made all of Gabriel's baby food and had so much fun doing it. Now even at 2 he will eat his veggies and I think its because the puree tastes exactly as the unpuree. Where the jar stuff taste nothing like real puree food. I bought a three tier steamer from Target to help me with the time of steaming everything.

  5. Rachel, would LOVE to have a steamer. I have a dream list for my kitchen and that's on well as a rice cooker, double boiler and potato masher (haha....I totally don't have one!!!!)

  6. You are having the time of your life with this blog, aren't you?? Mom

  7. I've never tried the pureed cauliflower. I'm planning on doing a post on the veggies I puree as well.
    Becky, if there was ever someone who needed a Vita-mix, it's YOU. Have you ever looked into one and all the great things they can do? I love mine!

  8. Something nice to ask for for Christmas :):):)
