My presents

My presents

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

For this child I have prayed....and prayed and prayed and prayed!

This morning I woke up to THIS:

I comforted myself with the fact that I was hoping my two year old little boy, who can not even speak yet, had the thought in his head "I love my mom so much I am going to try to make her some coffee to start her day right!" I mean COULD have been done in good intentions, right?

If this age of 2 doesn't kill me, I will be able to endure ANYTHING!!!!

Honestly, though, for this child I DID pray for years.....and God lovingly chose him for our family. Though he was not born in my womb like my other 2, God placed him in my heart. We would not be complete without this child.....and I would not be the same mom! He is a DIRECT answer to prayer and through him, I have learned what it truly is to be adopted into the family of God.

Thank you, Jesus, for the toothpaste on the mirror (that I can't bear to windex off because it is a darling handprint), my new mascara all over my son's eyes, and coffee all over my kitchen. I am aware that these days will not last forever. For now, I rejoice in my son!


  1. Becky, this made me smile...and it touched my heart. Beautiful, beautiful! You're a fabulous mama! (Karee)

  2. Just think, you've got another two-year-old experience to go through. Somehow though, I don't think it will be quite the same. You gotta love Tyler though; he's still my little buddy!

  3. So so sweet. It's true that these days won't last and I believe (although some days it's hard to) that we will miss it! You are a great Mom and a wonderful encouragement to other Moms. Keep up the good work. You are investing in the future!

  4. we love you tyler, you keep your mother young :)
    and btw, I TOTALLY love your hair like that in that pic of you with him in that sling

  5. So sweet! The twos can be so much fun! Though, I think Tyler has had more adventures than Rex. ;-) I am so happy God blessed your family with Tyler!

  6. Awww....the coffee mess just reminds me of lil Avery who to this day has an obsession with coffee. I would have to hide the coffee grounds in the trash b/c she would get them out and eat them. Ewwwww... My only advice is to keep them out of the toliet - although one of the funniest things I have ever seen was watching them trying to walk on the bathroom floor that was covered in shampoo, toliet water and drenched pieces of toliet paper covering their heads. :-)

    His little grin is just too cute.
