My presents

My presents

Friday, February 4, 2011

Flashback Friday!

Embarrassing picture of me, but I think it is hysterical! I was Ellie's age here with the WORST hair cut I have ever received. My mom tried to salvage it by curling it, but it did little to NO good! I was always SO SO SO mad that my sister was allowed to have long hair and they always kept mine short. To this day I have no idea WHY! Perhaps that is why I always love to have my hair long now :) Enjoy laughing at me :)

P.S. This is Cindy, my doll that Ellie has now. It is a "My Child". Who remembers those? What was YOUR favorite toy from the '80's?

I was just showing Ellie my pictures and she saw this and said "hey, you have my same face!!!" Yes, I do :) Just different hair....and Ellie's is MUCH cuter.!


  1. Oh Becky, we all had that horrible haircut when we were that age. Not sure why:)

  2. What can I say? You were cute then and you're cute now "lovable haircut" or no "lovable haircut." You poor thing. The fact of the matter is that you were ALWAYS jealous of Rachel, but you both complemented each other, period. lol Dad

  3. I had a My Child Doll!!! and I remember that much younger Becky Lynn!! How sweet to have those photos and memories :o)


  4. if I were becky, I'd be jealous of me too :)
