My presents

My presents

Monday, January 30, 2012

Tip-Me Monday- Galaxy up spilled glitter!

I have never made play dough before. But, after our experience this morning, I am inclined to do it again....and again!

Because of lovely, lovely pinterest, I found THIS site that explains how to make "Galaxy Dough."

I did not have all of the ingredients, including the cream of I added some cinnamon to make it smell good and some baking soda. I was just experimenting. Even with my substitutions, the play dough turned out wonderful and we spent a very fun 2 hours making the dough and then playing with it.

I have a craft bin underneath my bed.....and about a year ago, some glitter had broken open and now lines the inside of my bin. Well, the galaxy dough calls for glitter because it adds sparkle to the dough! Why had I never before thought of cleaning up the glitter with playdough? Every kid would love to add sparkles to playdough! So, a year's worth of glitter was cleaned up in 5 minutes!

*Side note: These priceless moments of doing something fun with my kids do not happen nearly enough in my house. I put aside my cleaning, laundry and grocery list making and devoted uninterrupted time to my boys this morning. On more than one occasion Tyler said "thank you, mom." He was thrilled the WHOLE time. I learned a lesson this morning that I should have learned before. My kids need play time. They need mommy to put aside work and to leave the house messy....for them. So today, my kitchen looks like this:

and my boys look like this:

It's worth the mess!


  1. this is so very awesome :) you are so ingenious! i love that you posted dirty pictures of your kitchen.... mine tops that today, let me tell you

  2. I need constant reminders of this as well. Sometimes it's the playdough playtime that is more important than the mommy jobs. :-)

  3. You and your children will always remember the fun and smiles and not the flour on the counter or the mess on the floor!

  4. Love this post. The pictures of the boys smiling at the end were truely priceless. I love the idea of cleaning up the glitter with the playdoh. I'll be more inclined to get the glitter out since I know I can clean it up easily.
