My presents

My presents

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Where have I been?

So sorry for the lack of blogging these past couple of days (weeks!). My sister was visiting from Seattle and we had nothing but the very best time together with all of our kids! Then.....sickness hit our home. Our miracle-baby Trenton has been getting synagis injections (RSV vaccinations) during this entire RSV season. Few babies qualify for this very expensive vaccine so we feel very blessed that he has gotten to get it. We thought that we had made it through the worst of the season....only to be hit with a bout of Brochiolitis which landed my babes in the ER for another stay at the hospital. It was a long, hard and very taxing week or so. He then came home on Oxygen, which brought back very unpleasant memories from the NICU. But, at least he was home and not in the hospital and we were thankful for that.

My babes is such a trooper!

His lung disease makes any normal sicknesses that much worse for him. But, it could be worse, it really could. He has endured so much over the past 10 months and I just thank God for His grace in all of our lives!

Today he had an EEG to check for seizure activity. He has been diagnosed with a seizure disorder and has been on Keppra, a seizure medication almost since birth. But, I am thrilled to report that he has not had a single seizure for 7 months now. I think he has outgrown the condition. The test today was to check to see if that is, in fact true and that we can wean him from the medication. I will not know anything until Friday.

Now that we are on the mend here (myself included), I hope to be back to regular blogging and FB activity!


  1. Oh wow. Praise the Lord that God protected through all this stuff. How wonderful if he can wean off the medicine. Please let us know so we can praise HIM with you!

  2. It's ok, we'll let you off this time, since you had an excuse! Love ya.
