My presents

My presents

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Take a moment

Pull up a chair and grab a cup of coffee and let's take a break together! I hope that everyone has a chance to take a break and reflect on the blessings God has given you. In a life that is filled with uncertainty, pain, fear and the occasion heartache, sometimes we can be caught up in the negative and not focus on the things that really matter.

I recently posted a question on my facebook profile to see what answers people would come up with. Feel free to answer:

If you have 10 minutes to yourself, what do you do?

Answers included, going to the bathroom (as a mom of 3 balls of energy, I had to chuckle because it is true :), reading a book, breathe, sleep and exercise.

Depending on the day, I might answer that question differently.

But today as I sit in my parents backyard on our mini-vacation, I have more than 10 minutes to myself to regroup and restore myself. The sun is shining, I have my coffee and book in hand and I sit in the Adirondack chair my dad made overlooking the horse farm and the Great Smoky Mountains.

All I hear is the breeze and feel the sun on my face. No wait. My dad just sat down and is telling me about all the birds making their nests in his houses.....and here is my little girl wanting to feed carrots to Cowgirl and Ali.

Welcome interruptions. I would not change a thing.


  1. Enjoy your time there! It sounds lovely!

  2. i love it :) I also was laughing at the pic of your feet, that totally seems like a pic I would take.

  3. I am now officially a "follower." PS Great post!!

  4. Wow...Eli looks so old!! I can't believe it :)
    Ummm...can I come? Like tomorrow? :)

  5. I love your post. We need to take time to relax more often as well as welcome the little interuptions that make life special.

  6. I am so glad you posted this. Only 5 minutes ago I was having a boo who moment where I was groaning about how much I don't like moving and having to restart. I wasn't focusing on the good things~like my parents being out here for a visit right now!
