My presents

My presents

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Top 10 things that come to mind.....

This was not my idea but my friend's and so I have to give her credit. But, it was so fun to read her random 10 I'm totally doing it too :)

1. I went shopping today for a reason I have NEVER been shopping......because my jeans were too BIG! I am now wearing a size 10....a size I haven't worn since I was pregnant with Ellie 6almost 7 years ago. To say I am proud would be an understatement.

2. I took dinner to a family with a preemie tonight. While there and talking with the mom, I began bawling. I almost could not stop. Literally. I realize how much grief I have yet to work through. I think I need counseling. Honestly.

3. I am in love with my kids. I am in love with them more than I can possibly ever put into words. They drive me to insanity most every day. But I love them. I love my sweet compassionate Ellie, my mischievous and too-cute-for-his-own-good Tyler and my squeezable and kissable Trenton!

4. I really should be pumping at this moment, but I am writing a random blog about nothing!

5. I joined the choir and praise team at church. Tonight was rehearsal. I led choir and praise team for 10 years. I hardly miss is one iota. It is nice to have someone lead me.

6. Ever since my birthday, I wear a beautiful turquoise ring on my right finger every single day. My dad got it for me at Old Town. I LOVE it!

7. I USED to wear a beautiful charm watch on my right arm every single day. I think I might have left it in the NICU in Ohio. You had to take your jewelry off to wash up every time you left the room. It's not here. I have looked everywhere. That makes me so sad.

8. I have more pens and pencils than I know what to do with. I find them all over the the 3 that are sitting beside this keyboard. Tyler loves to poke people and color on the walls and Ellie loves to write!

9. I have a math genius on my hands. Ellie's is so far advanced in math, it is absolutely CRAZY. She and Greg do math for fun. I have never EVER done math for fun. I'm a little sad she is turning into her dad. But only a little bit.

10. Saturday I spent 3 hours organizing my daughter's room. I was so proud. She willingly got rid of 3 garbage bags full of clothes and misc. items. It was only a little bit sad. She got rid of dress-up clothes that used to be her favorites as well as the care bear I got her for her first Christmas. But, she is not a hoarder, so I guess I am doing the job right...


  1. I do math for fun too. Let me know if you'd like some fun math game ideas.

    Ellie getting rid of her care bear made me sad. :( I'm so stinkin' sentimental.

  2. megan. you must be insane. Math is my mortal enemy......
    If I had to do math to save my life.... I would surely die right away

  3. Here is a Woot! Woot! for new jeans!! and a You go girl.

  4. math for fun ... ugh! But good for her! WAY TO GO WITH THE JEANS!
