My presents

My presents

Monday, February 21, 2011

Relaxation is what this family needed!

Over the past 7 months, we have had more stress than is possibly healthy for one single family to endure. God knew that I needed a vacation, but how do you do that? The answer is, you trust your husband and let him plan it.....which is hard for this control-freak! In all my freak-out over the impending "vacation", I was truly dreading it......Tyler never does well traveling or sleeping and Ellie is a huge whiner when things are different. We had to pack SO MUCH stuff and I just did not feel equal to the task. I specifically prayed that God would change my attitude and I would be able to enjoy my family and time off.....and that it would really and truly be a vacation instead of a big fat pain! I am happy to report that God answered my prayer!

Greg has a friend from his highschool years who lives in Las Cruces (about 5ish hours from us). He has a pecan farm and pretty much lives a country life that I have never been exposed to! I met him and his wife PJ, and their daughter Cindy only one time when Greg came out here for his job interview and I was about 4 months pregnant with my Trenton.

After school on Friday we picked up Ellie from school and drove across the state to their place. It was pretty exhausting, but we were welcomed by their amazing hospitality. From then on, it was an absolutely WONDERFUL and AMAZING trip!

I have too many pictures to post, but I thought I'd leave you with the highlights!

Here are the country mice meeting the city mice :) The city mice sure loved the farm (even though Tyler mouse was scared to DEATH of the silly turkey!)

On Saturday we went to White Sands. Such gorgeous scenery I have never in my life experienced! There were miles and miles of gorgeous soft white sand....that was COLD on your feet. I am used to New Jersey beaches.....dirty, rough on your feet, smelly and HOT! The weather was gorgeous, the sky was as blue as I have ever seen and the sand was nice and cold! It could not have been better! The kids sledded down the huge hills and even I got in on the action.....until I wiped out :) Even Trenton had a great time feeling soft sand for the first time with his chubby little feet. Tyler was not quite so sure at first, but once he got the hang of it, you could not pull him away from the place!


  1. Poor Tyler but yet so cute and funny! Sounds like a fabulous mini-vacation and super glad you guys were able to experience it as a family. Very cool to be sledding in white sand too :)

  2. Love it! How fun and what a great time you all had. I love to hear and see times like that. Looks like everybody enjoyed it to the hilt. Dad
