My presents

My presents

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Update on the littlest family member!

This precious boy has not gotten any blog time on this new blog. Please visit my old blog to check out the story of his 12 week early birth, his surgeries, his fight for life, the many miracles that have taken place in his life and his progress up until now. 2 brain surgeries later and he is finally doing really least this week. So much of living life with this baby is going day to day, moment to moment. He has many good days....and some really bad days where I am fearful for his life. Right now, today, he is doing so wonderfully you would hardly know anything ever happened with him.....but then you see the large scar on his skull, the one on his abdomen, and the many scars all over his arms and legs as a result of the many MANY pokes, prods, blood draws, PIC lines, IV's and is then you remember what a miracle this child remains and how God preserved his tiny life for a purpose. I am so thankful.

I implore you....even if I do not know you personally....if you think of my Trenton, even in passing, please bring him before God. I know so many of you have done that and continue to pray for him (some even every day!). I thank you so much for the love that you have shown to our family and to this precious and beautiful baby boy!

Sadly the pediatrician that we got when we moved here has moved to another practice at a hospital so we had to find a new ped. I was saddened, but at the same time, the other doctor hand picked a new one for us, so I thought this one would be good....and I do believe I was correct. This new pediatrician seemed really knowledgeable, kind, well-informed and has experience working with extreme preemies and babies with shunts and neurological difficulties. I was impressed.

Here is what is going on now so you can continue to keep our Trenton in your prayers. He is 7 months old and 4 months corrected age. He weighs 16 pounds, 9 ounces which means he is finally on the charts for his REAL age! He is a fatty and I love that I no longer have to worry about his weight gain! He has come a long "weigh" from 3 pounds. Haha. Pardon the cheesy pun. I couldn't help it ;)

In motor development, however he is behind. He is measuring about 2-3 months in motor, though he IS progressing and his muscle tone is good. Tomorrow is is second session with the therapist with Early Intervention so we are on the ball there and soon he will be evaluated with PT. He uses his right side a BIT more than his left side, but his left side IS moving, so that is good! She said she would not be surprised if he was something like 18 mo. or so before he walks because of his history. But, we have to just wait and see and continue working with him!

One thing the doctor noticed this morning were his eyes doing something funny. They kind of "bobble." Greg and I had both noticed this. She told us to make sure and bring it up with the neurologist. It made me a bit nervous, but whatever it is, we can handle it. We know he can see us and he tracks objects and us, so we are thankful there. Blindness is pretty common in preemies because of the way the eyes develop. We are thankful he can both see and hear!

Anyway, that's the latest update. Life with this one is full of surprises. I try not to live my life in fear. I am singing a song on Sunday that says this:

Be strong and take courage...
for the One who lives within you, will be strong in you today!

That is the truth!


  1. HAHAHAHAHHAHHAH :) he's so cute. .....he has a LOW voice!!!!

  2. Sheesh I love this kid! Unreal how far he has come and so very excited to see how far he goes!!! Thank you for the update and know he is in my every day prayers.

  3. I love it babe! Oh, what a beautiful video! Our prayers continue to be answered in his life and in yours. Our Lord is truly in control, way beyond words. Dad

  4. Awww...he is so cute!!!! That video brought a huge grin to my face. Thanks so much for the update, and he is continuously in my prayers. Hugs!

  5. What a cute kid you have. I'm so glad that Trenton is doing so well. God is good.
