My presents

My presents

Monday, January 31, 2011

Train up a child in the way he should go

Yesterday coming home from church, I heard the most beloved sound a mama could hear. I listened to my little girl making up praise music to Jesus. It was sweet for my soul. At first I thought this was a song she heard at church, but she said no, she was making it up herself. As soon as I got home I texted myself the words so I would not forget her song.....ever.

Ellie's song to Jesus

You'll hold us in Your hands
and nothing can happen to us because You are God.
I will sing. Amen.
I want You in my heart, Jesus and I'll see You in heaven because You are there!
I will sing. Amen.

Proverbs 22:6 tells us: "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This is not a promise like some people believe, but it is a proverb.....a truth to live by. I am challenged to continue praying for my children that they will love Jesus with all of their hearts and eventually give their hearts totally to him, like both Greg and I have done. Just because we have given our hearts to the Lord does not in any way guarantee that our kids will do the same. But, we do need to train them up to love the Lord and pray that in His timing, they will make that decision on their own.

Though I have questioned Ellie's understanding of giving her whole heart to God, I pray that someday she will do this and He will lead her throughout her whole life like he has mine and Greg's.

May I truly believe what she sang in her song: God WILL hold us in His hands and someday we will see Him in heaven because He is there all the time, waiting to recieve us with open arms.

Because I have been given gifts such as these, I have a responsibility to train them up in the way they should go. I am not a perfect parent, but I rely on God every day as I seek to raise my little gifts!

1 comment:

  1. awwww :) It's overwhelming to think that basically everything my child will learn about God until he can read will be coming from Michael and I . It really puts a guilt trip on me for not getting out my Bible more. I feel like he's going to want to ask me all these questions and I won't know how to answer. Thank you for being an inspiration to me :)
