My presents

My presents

Saturday, February 12, 2011

New fruit day!

A great way to get kids excited about eating fruits and veggies......go to the supermarket and let them pick out something they have never had before (and maybe you haven't either!). A few weeks ago we had our first pomegranate EVER.....after watching a few youtube videos about how to open it, we had a great time!!!!!

This week, Ellie's first choice was a dragon fruit.....but it was $8. Maybe next time when our bill is smaller......

So the fruit of choice this week Asian Pear! I have had one before, but she had not, so she was SO excited to try it out!

Don't know what an Asian pear is? It's basically a pear and an apple rolled into one :)

And the verdict is.....


Our nice Asian Pear paired very nicely with the fish we had that night!

What new fruits/veggies have YOU tried lately?


  1. Oh growing up in California I was stained red ALL summer long from eating my weight in pomegranate. Man haven't had one in years!!! Don't think I have tried a Asian Pear before. In market other day gave Gabriel a piece of peach they were give out. YUM and MORE PLEASE were his words. Ellie is just too cute!

  2. Try Jicama (not sure how to spell it). It's very versitile - kind of sweet. Good in a fruit salad. Also persimmon and star fruit in fruit salad. I'm also a big fan of trying new fruits and veggies. Since I've begun eating more of the above, it's fun. There are quite a lot of new things. Never had an Asian Pear though.

  3. Hi! :-) I think I've had an Asian pear before. That one looks delicious! And that little girl of yours looks pretty sweet, too. ;-)

  4. Hi! I don't think we've ever met, but I recognize you from CU and I think we have a lot of mutual friends b/c I remember seeing you on friends' (maybe ^^jennifer's?) FB pages back when your 3rd kiddo was 1st born. (i swear i'm not stalking you! i just saw you pop up a lot on FB. ;-)) ANYWAY...I saw your comment on jennifer's xanga today and thought i'd stop by...and we have 3 kids and coupons in common, so i'm going to subscribe to your site, so i wanted to say hello first!

  5. need to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I had my first asian pear a few years ago when we moved to PA...I had no idea that it was a pear/apple mix!!

  7. oh, and it cracks me up about watching you tube to learn how to eat pomegranate! I had to do the same thing!

  8. I have never heard of Asian Pears! Hmmm, I might have to check those out.
