My presents

My presents

Monday, February 14, 2011

My great love.....sewing :)

I gave birth to my last beautiful son 12 weeks early. With all the NICU visits and all that entails, and a move literally across the country, I have not been able to do something that had become one of my FAVORITE hobbies! We are finally getting settled here....and finally I have just a bit of time to pick up my favorite hobby....SEWING :)

While I was in the NICU, a friend of mine gave me a magazine that was totally awesome. It had patterns and cute project ideas! I chose one of the projects and got to work....and this took me 2 days :) I LOVED every second of working on this project!

The most awesome part about this project?....I got to use scraps!!!!!

So, my daughter has been literally BUGGING me to learn to sew for almost a year now, so I decided on Sunday that it was time! It took a bit of patience on my part, but it was so fun instilling within her, a love of something that I love so much. I hope that by the time she is my age, she will be able to sew better than me! It is such a lost art that I just ADORE (have I mentioned that?)

We worked on threading the machine, sewing a straight line, sewing with zig-zags, backstitching and sewing evenly. She did so GREAT! She was so proud of the pillow that she made "almost" by herself!!!!!!

I challenge you to share your love of something.....anything.....with your kids! It gives back to you more than you could imagine!

My only question now is.....what should I work on next????


  1. Oh so sweet :) Thanks for sharing! Oh and you are SOOOO talented!! And I have to add it sounds strangely quite in your house...where have you hidden the boys????

  2. Good job, Ellie! I sew so seldom anymore that when I do I have to stop and figure out (once again) how to thread the machine! I wonder why you never sewed until you left home...hmmm.

  3. I can barely thread my machine! It's the part that keeps me from sewing I'm a little more motivated to keep trying!!

  4. love this growth chart, bec! such a great idea. i'm working on my first quilt with my mom. liking it so far!

  5. I love that growth chart!!! Do you think you post how you did it?

    I loved sewing as a kid and still do although I have forgotten a lot of what I had learned... I'm trying to pick it up again. I think it's GREAT that you are teaching her!

  6. Fabulous! Especially since I don't even know how to thread a needle correctly, I so wish I could sew. Next project would to create a bright fun color apron (if it happens to have black, white, red, bright green, and some polka dots and end up in your Etsy store....even better!) for you and Ellia.

  7. That is adorable!!! Love that you got to show Ellie how to sew. My Ellee loves to climb up on my lap and try to help me sew as well. :-)
