My presents

My presents

Friday, February 11, 2011

Flashback Friday!

The day we took this family photo, we took one like this, and then one like this:

We did not know then that this precious boy was to be our son. At this time he was a foster baby and we could only hope and dream that someday he would be ours......and now I can not imagine my life without him! Back in this first picture, he had another name and there were big question marks in our future. I am so blessed that God chose to give us this gift of our first son!


  1. I LOVE your new blog! (this is LadyGwenivere aka Jen from Xanga)
    I just wanted to update you, because you have been one of my biggest supporters the last couple of years. Today we got crownwardship of S. We can now, finally, after 3 long years, get this adoption going.
    Your family looks so lovely!
    Have a blessed Valentines Weekend!

  2. Yes you all ARE blessed beyond words. We love little "Ty Ty" very much and consider him also consider him a gift from God. "The little bug." Dad
