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Monday, July 20, 2015

Book Review: Shadow of the Mountain

Bethany Publishers has given me the opportunity to review books that come out through the the Baker Book Group. I recieve no compensation for my reviews beyond the books themselves.

The book that I just completed is entitled "Shadow of the Mountain- Exodus" written by Cliff Grahm.  Upon reading about Mr. Grahm I learned that he was a former solider and officer in the united States army who now has used his background in military science and political sciences to write and speak all over the United States. This is not the typical background of a writer of Christian fiction so I was excited to see how that played into his writing. I have to proclaim that Mr. Grahm really has used his exertise in these areas to incorporate wonderful history and expansive detail into his stories.

"Shadow of the Mountain" is a fictional story based on actual events found in the book of Exodus in the Bible. The main character is Caleb of the Bible.....but before his conversion to Christ. In his forward, Mr. Grahm tells about how little is known of Caleb's past, but it is something that can be drawn from actual history. He fabricated this story of Caleb's early life in a very thought-provoking way, making this now famous man-of-God, someone who originally was trained in the upper echelons of Pharoah's army. He retells the stories of the plagues upon Egypt from an Egyptian's perspective, something that not many authors have done. He retells this very familiar story from Exodus in such a profound and creative way that it actually causes the reader to experience it anew.

This book is one in which I did not want to put down. I love how Mr. Grahm is able to transport the reader back in time and allow us to relive a period of great turmoil in the lives of the Egyptians. We then are able to see how God's hand perfectly protected the Israelites and how the Egyptians were given ample opportunity to follow God. Some, like Caleb, did actually see the hope that is found in Christ and began to then follow Him.

I greatly look forward to reading more in this series of books and I give it a hearty five out of five stars. Anyone who enjoys reading about events told in the times of the Bible will greatly enjoy this read, because it is one that makes scripture come alive. I truly enjoyed everything about this book. Cliff Grahm is a very gifted writer and I look forward to picking up his other books that he has written in this same style and time-period.

 Want to check it out? Here is the link!

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