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My presents

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to help your kids "let their light shine."

"This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!"

This blog is in NO WAY going to debate this hot button issue. I firmly believe that whatever you choose for your child, whether that be homeschooling, Christian school or public, that if you are seeking God, HE will show you the right path for your kids. There is NO right answer, and I wish that more Christians believed that. This, my friends, is called a "grey area." I have heard all the arguments and pros and cons of EACH method of schooling. So, let's steer clear of this debate!

My kids go to a public school. We have chosen that for our family and I am so excited about it! Well, only my daughter is actually IN school right now, but eventually the boys will also attend public school. God calls us to let our light shine in whatever arena we are in. A friend of mine recently commented on another's blog that the "public schools is one of the biggest mission fields there is." Right on.

So, this begs the question: HOW do we teach our young kids to let their lights shine in school?

I am open to other suggestions, so comment away......but for now, I will share just a couple of ways we are teaching Ellie to be a light in the darkness of her school.

1. Sing the song: then talk about it. I bet all of your kids know "This Little Light of Mine." How many of them actually know what they are talking about? In the car on the way to school one morning, we were singing. All songs that have hand motions are pretty popular because then Tyler can participate. After singing this particular song, I asked her what she thought it meant. She had no idea. We got into a great discussion about being lights in a dark Jesus is called the "Light of the World."

2. Begin praying every day WITH your child, that he or she will be a light in his or her school. We live about 20 minutes from Ellie's school. That time is a very precious time every morning. Every time we pull away from the house, we pray for her day, any concerns she might have and for her classmates.

3. Pray for the kids in your child's class, by name if you know them! I am honored to pray for the kids in Ellie's class. I am absolutely POSITIVE that I am the only one praying for some of those kids. Every day, Ellie picks 2 friends and we pray for them in school that day, and that Ellie will be a light to them that day. I do not know if she actually tells the kids we are praying for them or not.....great if she does, but it is not necessary. We also talk about each child and any time she thinks about them or talks to them during the day that day, to offer a quick prayer to God for them!

4. Not only pray WITH your child, pray FOR your child. I am still learning about this. My prayer life is not all it should be, but I am trying. Whenever I think about my Ellie during the day, I pray that she will not only do well and learn, but that her light would shine that particular day.

But honestly, how much difference can they make when they are six years old? A lot......

I was beyond thrilled to read Ellie's paper where a sentence said that she loved God......another paper on the wall with a hand-drawn flag said this:

"If I were president, I would say everyone. Everyone needs to listen up. You need to obey your parents in the Lord for this is right!"

My daughter IS being a light in her dark little school. I pray protection on her daily and for her as she grows and life gets just a little bit harder with each passing year.

*Any other suggestions? Let's challenge each other...


  1. my suggestion is that I think you should publish a book :)

  2. Oh my gosh Becky, RIGHT ON!!! This excites me SO much!! I'm so excited about Rex going to our public school. I know my youth group kids are being a BRIGHT light in their school and I'm excited to see Rex head that way too. I love that you encourage US as parents to be there with them in their striving for being a light. I love the prayer idea. I'm going to try and do that with Rex even now. I know we're at church for "school" but we have unchurched families! He knows all his classmates by name, so I want to pray for them now, and hopefully that will get him started in praying too. He prays with us, but hasn't started saying the words yet. There's so much more I could say, but I will just end with THANK YOU for this post and the encouragement it is to me!

  3. Good job, Leanne. You are a great mommy and I already know how much Rex is learning from you! You have challenged me too with Rex's consistency with praying. I still remember one pic that you posted of him with his little eyes closed and hands folded. We had not been praying too entirely consistently with Tyler.....who obviously isn't speaking prayers either as he is not even talking yet! But, now at least he does fold his hands. Eyes go closed for .2 second :) They'll get it!
